Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Journal Entry #12: Risks

I think that life is all about taking risks. Taking risks is what makes life fun, not boring, and worth living. Everyone NEEDS to take risks at some point or another. Here are the reasons why I believe these things: People who don’t take risks will never live up to their full potential. If someone wanted to be a veterinarian, but said to themselves, ‘I don’t think I could make it through veterinary school, so I guess I’ll just work in a yarn factory instead,’ this person would not be living to their full potential because they were not taking risks.
I also think that risks are important because taking risks can sometimes lead to mistakes. Mistakes are something that I think EVERYONE needs to make in their life. Mistakes are a big part of life, and if you don’t make them, then you don’t have anything to learn from. Although mistakes may be regretful, they teach you life lessons about how you should live your life from that point. I also just think that taking risks in general just makes life more exciting. For example, I want to do things like sky-diving and bungee-jumping just because I think it makes life more exciting. I realize that if something were to go wrong in one of those situations, I could easily be killed, but I would much more prefer to die doing something cool like sky-diving than by…say… choking on a piece of steak. And if I live through the event without anything going wrong, then that’s one more thing that I can add to my list of amazing things that I’ve done before I died! So all in all, I do believe that “if you don’t risk anything you risk more”.

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