Friday, August 7, 2009

Things that happened over the summer ('09)

Here's a list of things that happened to me over the summer:

1.) I began work on a documentary to benefit the homeless
2.) I went to the beach for a week.
3.) I went to North Carolina and got stung by three bees.
4.) I made a movie about a closet monster.
5.) I worked on AP Latin Homework.
6.) I finally finished the last "Harry Potter" book and was relieved of my fear that someone might spoil it for me.
7.) I watched the entire first season of "True Blood".
8.) I went to Six Flags.
9.) I took a breathilzer test on the first day of summer (and passed.)
10.) I got grounded.

Now for more about my documentary:
I decided that I wanted to do something good for the community before I graduated from high school (in 2010), and I've always liked making movies so I decided to use my talent to help people out. I founded an organization which is made up of my crew of friends that is helping me to make the documentary. In the documentary we are going to show what some of the homeless people of my town struggle through, while at the same time documenting our attempts to complete the construction of a house for homeless children. It requires raising a lot of money though. I fed and met with a lot of homeless people, and I am currently still working on the project. I hope to show it at the small art-house theater downtown once it is completed. This blog is boring because I am bored so I'll stop right now and come back when I have something interesting to say.

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