1.) The protagonist of my story is one that I cannot name yet (because I haven't thought of the name) but she she is a teenage girl (16 years old), who wants desperately to escape from her nothing life living out in middle-of-nowhere Georgia near the town of McRae. She wants desperately to be famous, rich, and live a glamorous life, but she feels imprisoned within her town and her lifestyle. She doesn't understand why her parents have no real goals or aspirations. She can't recieve a good education from her school, her family is poor, and they live in a permanent mobile home.
2.) When the story begins, the girl hasn't taken any significant actions towards achieving her goal. She is trapped. It is the summer before school and all she does is wander around the fields near her house and spends her time dreaming of a better life. She watches really glamorous movies on her VHS player (her family still doesn't have a DVD player).
3.) The main things that ramp up the emotion of the story is the girl's emotions. The most exciting point of the story would be when she tries to escape at night in her father's truck but gets stopped by a cop. She also reveals an emotional account about the insignificant loss of her virginity.
4.) The details that help me to tell the story is the overall dark mood and tone of it, the feeling of the blazing Georgia heat and sun, and the feeling of vast emptiness and loneliness. We also follow the girl's relationship with a boy she spends a lot of her time with. A balloon plays a significant role in the story as a major symbol.
5.) The protagonist doesn't make a morally significant choice at the end of the story. The audience makes it for her. The story ends really
rather bleak, and the audience can choose to interpret it as even more bleak, or hopeful.

*the included picture is the idea for the girl's family's house.
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